In the story "Separate Kingdoms", by Valerie Laken, i was confused when i first read the story. I started off by reading the whole page as one, which it didn't really seem to make any sense. The author wrote in two separate columns, so i decided to read one whole column on each page instead, and this make more sense. This is the first piece where i find an author writing about two different perspective of each individual shared under one roof. I find the author's style of writing is very interesting. I like the way the author can write two different stories at the same time and therefore show a connection between the two stories. (very creativel)
The piece of story written side by side happens to tell from each person's point of view that is happening at the same time. One column tells from a father's perspective and the other column tells from a teenagers perspective. In both stories, their is also the mom who plays an important role in both lives, and to make the whole story as a piece, it show what she goes through and how she feels and deals with in each person's story.
The purpose for Valerie Laken writing this piece, "Separate Kingdoms", is to show to her readers the different perspective coming from adult view compare to perspective coming from a teenage point of view during a trauma event that happened in their home. This story shows what family goes through, how they cope, and how trauma can affect family life.
Aspect 1
The author, Laken describes everything that happens under one roof as a single image.
The author did this by using theoretical language (Drucker 56), self referential, tying each page back into the overall stucture of the book as a single 'image'.
Aspect 2 and Aspect 3
Arrangment of text. Page layout
Laken wrote in two separate colums to separate each person's point of view.
Aspect 4
Elements of configuration (Drucker 58). Combining both the actual and theorectical bases for the work into a single statement.
Laken used the same background, people, animals, foreground, location, context, and gestures to emphasize the contibution as a whole.
Aspect 5
Produce evidence. Fore Gone.
Laken uses animals and mother as evidence to prove evidence that the story was taken place at the same time.
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